Dienstag, 14. April 2009

local administrator permissions for VSeWSS 1.3

I downloaded the Visual Studio 2008 extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, v1.3 - Mar 2009 CTP from Microsoft. It has some new featues which can be found in the link

But I got the following erroe messages when I debuged my old project:

Error 1 Error parsing Solution. Microsoft.SharePoint.Tools.Utilities.VSeWSSServiceExceptionVSeWSS Service Error: Error loading assembly D:\Dev\XXX.KMS.MP\XXX.KMS.MP\bin\Debug\XXX.KMS.MP.dll.
VSeWSS Service Logging Error: Access to the path 'C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\Microsoft\VSeWSS 1.3' is denied.
Logging failed attempting to write to C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\Microsoft\VSeWSS 1.3\VSeWSS1.3 service.log. This may occur because the VSeWSS WCF Service does not have local administrator permissions. Please review the release notes. 0 0

It seems that my sharepoint applicaton pool user hasn't local administrator access. I checked the identity of my sharepoint central administration application pool and found its default value was "Network service". Well, I tried to change the identity to a user which is a member of the local administrators group, and then reset IIS. After that VSeWSS 1.3 work properly. It is great!

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